Friday, February 1, 2008

Toddler fun!

My friend April and her son Cameron came to visit us. We had so much fun! We went to the Wild Animal Park, the kid park, and did alot of playing! April and I talked alot and it was nice to have her here. Addy even let Cameron dress up in her "BO BO" costume. She was the "frock". Brynnan is getting so big. She trys to roll over but hasn't yet. She's pushing up with her legs though. OH...and Addy has decided she likes to poop in the yard like the dogs! She says, "mommy me poop side dog"! What are we going to do with her!?!?

1 comment:

TheWenbergFamily said...

i just noticed that little bad boy Cameron has his hand on Addy's boobie. April!!!! HA HA!